Stacey Foley

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5 Ways To Connect To Yourself On A Deeper Level

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and felt like a stranger was staring back at you?

For years I lived with this feeling. Often too afraid to look because the fear of not knowing who would be staring back at me was simply too much. I was lost inside of myself. Drugged and disconnected from the woman I was truly meant to be. Trying to drown out the pain of my past while fitting perfectly into the boxes that society had placed me in.

Mother. Daughter. Wife.

I longed to feel a true sense of happiness. To have a purpose greater than myself. To feel fulfilled. I longed for a life where I no longer walked aimlessly through my days feeling hopeless, knowing tomorrow would be just the same.

It was not until I got sober, and started focusing more on connecting to my true self, that I was able to start finding those things. You see, when we are able to truly accept ourselves we no longer feel the need to live up to the expectations of others. We no longer live our lives from a place of people pleasing but instead, we learn to prioritize ourselves. We learn to listen to the calling that lives on our heart instead of doing what we believe we are supposed to. We learn to honor ourselves.

But you cannot become who you are truly meant to be, if you do not take the time to get to know who you are. Learning to connect with yourself on a deeper level is one of the most important steps in self-discovery.



Who am I really? What do I believe in? What are my values? What do I see for my future? What is holding me back? Where did I get lost? What trauma am I still living with? Who am I trying to please instead of myself?

Asking yourself these questions opens up an opportunity for you to get to know yourself on a deeper level. Sometimes we lose sight of our values, beliefs, goals and wants in life because they are influenced by those around us. Knowing what is truly important to you will help you to speak up and go after what YOU want.


When is the last time you challenged yourself and got out of your comfort zone?

Challenging yourself to try something new is a great way to discover new parts of yourself. You might find that you are remarkably good at something you had no idea you could even do. Or maybe you learn that you are great at leading groups of people. Or perhaps you discover that you are not as afraid of trying new things as you thought you were. No matter the lesson, challenging yourself will always teach you something and connect you to a new part of yourself.


There is something so cathartic about writing out how we are feeling. When you write, you let your real emotions come to the surface. Knowing that no one ever has to read what you’ve written allows you to share in a way that you are unable to do when speaking with people. Share your dreams. Your fears. Your wins and losses. Write out what you want your future to look like and share about your past. Writing is a doorway into your soul.


There is nothing better to connect yourself to who you truly are then meditation. It allows you to silence the ego. To quiet your doubts, your judgments and the thoughts in your mind. When you are able to be still and really listen, you can start to hear your inner voice guiding you. Listen to her. Trust her. Release her. For she is the most authentic version of you.


Take off your shoes. Walk barefoot in the grass. Put your feet in a stream. Stand on a rock. Connecting yourself to nature is connecting yourself to you. Mother Earth provides for us an opportunity to get deeper into who we really are and nature is the pathway to finding it. Take some time to walk in the silence of the trees. To look up at the sky instead of down at your phone. Be still and sit. You will be surprised at the answers you find in nature.

Getting to know yourself on a deeper level, and in a more connected way, is the true secret to finding happiness.

Stacey Foley is a Certified Meditation & Spiritual Wellness Teacher, Inspirational Speaker & Wellness Blogger.