10 Powerful Self-Discovery Journal Prompts


“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.”

- Mina Murray


Self-Discovery is the process in which you get to know yourself on a deep and profound level.

Many people go through life on auto-pilot until one day they look up and wonder, “How did I get here?”. This question is often the start of their self-discovery journey.

One of the most affective ways to begin your journey to self is through journaling. Journaling is a powerful practice that can help you:

- Release Unspoken Emotions

- Enhance Your Sense of Well-Being

- Calm and Clear Your Mind

- Enhance Your Creativity

- Achieve Your Goals & Bring Your Visions to Life

- Discover Your Truth & Your Voice

When it comes to the practice of journaling here are a few tips:

  1. Choose a time and place that will allow you to be mindful and present. You want to make sure that you can really reflect on your feelings and what comes up for you.

  2. Allow the answers to flow. Don’t put pressure on yourself to journal in a specific way, just allow the feelings to arise and write down the first thing that come to you.

  3. Be honest with yourself. Don’t write down what you think you should, or what you believe to be the “right” answer. Your answer is the right answer. Write down how you truly feel.

  4. Let this be an experience. Journaling should be an opportunity for you to prioritize yourself and get to know yourself on a deeper level. Think of it as a date with yourself. Set up your space in a way that makes you feel calm and relaxed. Turn on some music. Light some candles. Meditate before you begin. Digging deep can be a beautiful experience if you allow it to be.

  5. Use prompts. When you first get started with journaling it can be intimidating to simply sit down and write. Prompts help by giving you questions to consider and allowing it to spark something within you.

Here are 10 Powerful Self-Discovery Journal Prompts to get you started:

  1. What new experiences are you longing to have?

  2. If you could share one message with the world, what would it be?

  3. What would you sacrifice in exchange for fulfillment?

  4. In what areas of your life are you trading authenticity for safety?

  5. When are you the happiest version of yourself?

  6. What do you value most in life?

  7. What do you need more of in your life?

  8. If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

  9. If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?

  10. How do you want to be remembered at the end of your life?

Journaling is meant to be a tool on your journey to discovering your authentic self so sit down, breathe and get ready to remember who you truly are.



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Stacey Foley is a Certified Meditation & Spiritual Wellness Teacher, Inspirational Speaker & Wellness Blogger.